Get a German Sim Card

Once you have arrived in Dusseldorf, getting a German SIM Card is a good idea. With a German SIM card, you can call your friends and fellow students inexpensively. You have two options, you can either sign a phone contract or purchase a prepaid card. When you stay for a limited period in Germany, a prepaid card is really all you need. Especially as most contracts in Germany rope you in for 24 months.



The fastest way to get a prepaid SIM card is to go to the nearest supermarket. Whether Penny, Rewe, Lidle or Aldi, they all offer SIM cards. Of course, there are also SIM cards directly from the major network operators (Telekom, Telefonica, Vodafone), but in the supermarkets, there are usually better conditions.

To buy a SIM card in the supermarket is easy. All you need to do is walk into a supermarket and grab your starter package, you find them displayed mostly around the cash desks. Since 2017, providers are required to run an identification. In most cases, this is handled very customer friendly online with a video identification procedure or you walk into the next post office. As a convenient exception, Aldi offers a registration directly in the store!

After your SIM card is unlocked, you can start. Billing is either based on your usage or you book a package with a running time of one month. For example, packages that ALDI TALK offers: 2GB data + phone flat for 8Euro/month, or 4GB + phone flat for 13 Euro/month, or 6GB + phone flat for 20 Euro/month. Just choose the package that suits your needs.

Collegelife Dusseldorf recommends: We recommend a SIM card either from Aldi or Edeka. They offer the best value for money and good internet speed.


If you are staying in Dusseldorf for a longer period or are looking for even cheaper options or more data, search online. is the most popular website to compare differe

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About Us

Collegelife Dusseldorf organises trips and events to connect internationals in Dusseldorf. The events are especially popular among solo travellers - a perfect opportunity to meet new people!

5 gifts to bring from Germany

1. Gummy Bears

The sweet and chewy treat known as the gummy bears, German in origin, come in endless bright and happy colors, shapes and forms and enjoy a cult following. These baby beasts are consumed en masse. Fill your suitcase with German Gummy Bears!

2. Birkenstocks

To be fair, these are not the prettiest shoes in the world. And yes, Birkenstocks when worn with socks cause a lot of laughter around. There are reasons more than one why this shoe is so popular in Germany ! Once you own a pair of Birkenstocks you would refuse to wear any other shoe again. Wondering why ? The absolute comfort it offers. I bought my first pair before a backpacking trip to Thailand. It was one of my best decisions! They last forever. Get yourself a pair of Birkenstocks, and you certainly won’t regret buying one.

3. Lederhosen

While this gift is an obvious one, it is not budget-friendly. Lederhosen for men (and sometimes women) and dirndls for ladies (and, why not, sometimes men too) are the traditional clothing in Bavaria, the state in the south of Germany that touches the Alps and includes Munich.

A warning: Lederhosen are never washed, instead kept soft by the wearer’s natural oils, which is something to keep in mind when you spy a pair at a second-hand shop.

4. Fairy tales book

The Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales include such classics as Schneewittchen (Snow White), Aschenputtel (Cinderella), and Rotkäppchen (Little Red Riding Hood).

Give this story book to a child or the young at heart. No matter what age, it is always magical to conjure up the Germany of old times with it’s mysterious forests, romantic castles and medieval villages.

5. Altbier

Last but not least. Everyone loves a bottle of freshly brewed Dusseldorf Altbier!

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About Us

Collegelife Dusseldorf organises trips and events to connect internationals in Dusseldorf. The events are especially popular among solo travellers - a perfect opportunity to meet new people!

5 things they don’t tell you before coming to Germany

1. Accommodation

Finding a flat can be a daunting experience if you were not lucky enough to get one from the “Studierendenwerk”. “WG’s” or shared flats is the most common way to live among German students. It might be surprising, but one may not find ample furnished rooms. When Germans are moving, they typically take everything with them. And by everything we mean even the kitchen ! If you plan to go for a single flat, be prepared that the desired flat might be completely empty.

2. Germans love cash

“Do you accept cards?” If you’re asking that in Germany, there’s a good chance that the answer is “No”. Even in the most frequently visited places like bakeries or taxis, payment via cards is not accepted. According to the European Central Bank, every German has an average of 103 Euros in their wallet, far more than the citizens of any other EU country. Make sure to always carry a bunch of bills with you.

3. No tuition fees

Bingo !! German universities do not charge tuition fees. Neither from Germans nor international students. But beware that you have to pay a “semester contribution”. It is about 300 Euro each semester and goes towards study services, student union and the North Rhine Westphalia travel pass.

4. The traditional “3-meals-a-day” is a rare concept in Germany

Especially if you are coming from a south European country where you are used to having 3 dishes (breakfast, lunch, dinner) at a more or less fixed time. This custom gets replaced by 4 – 5 small meals, spread over irregular intervals during the day. The so-called ‘’Snacking’’.

5. Shops are closed on Sundays

If you need some food from the supermarket, or if you want to check out winter sale at a store, you will have to do it on Saturday, or wait until Monday! Compared to the rest of the week, the city center looks much like The Forbidden Forest straight out of Harry Potter ! Jokes apart, if you missed buying your groceries, some restaurants and cafes are still open on Sundays (though not as many, as during the rest of the week), so you won’t starve.

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About Us

Collegelife Dusseldorf organises trips and events to connect internationals in Dusseldorf. The events are especially popular among solo travellers - a perfect opportunity to meet new people!

6 reasons why Dusseldorf is the best Erasmus Destination

1. One of the best nightlifes in Germany

For the nightlife, Dussldorf is a great Erasmus destination. Dusseldorf’s nightlife scene is insane! Whether you prefer a lounge atmosphere, wine bars, clubs or dance floor: a location is available downtown and elsewhere. At the center of the oldtown (Altstadt), with hundreds of pubs crowding its streets, lies Bolkerstraße earning it the reputation of being ‘the longest bar in the world’. Experience the Dusseldorf nightlife and discover its uniqueness!

2. Dusseldorf is ranked number 6 in the world for Quality of Life

Every year, the global consulting firm ‘Mercer’ publishes a Quality of Life analysis, examining 231 major cities worldwide. The ranking is created for companies and governments who send their employees abroad. Main criteria are health care, crime rate, political and economical stability, educational opportunities, and the cultural and entertainment supply. Dusseldorf ranked 6th in 2018 survey, beaten only by Vienna, Zurich Munich, Auckland, and Vancouver.

3. Excellent public transport

The 18 city and tram lines and about 50 bus lines, make Dusseldorf one of the easiest cities to get around without a car. For detailed information on lines, stops and stations visit the main operator Rheinbahn’s website. The best thing is as an Erasmus student you can use all the options unlimited and for free with your Semesterticket!

4. You will never get bored

Dusseldorf is a happening city, any time, day or night, every day of the year – a stunning mix of events and highlights, entertainment and exhibitions, cultural and leisure venues. Explore a vibrant cosmopolitan city – always with something new to discover! It will make your Erasmus stay unforgettable.

5. Best Travel Location

One of the most popular reasons to choose Dusseldorf  as your Erasmus destination is its outstanding location in the center of Europe. You’ll have the opportunity to get to know new places with ease. Travelling around will show you how big and amazing the world we live in is. Visit and explore major cities around, go for hikes, make a bike tour and more. It’s a great opportunity to get the international perspective. You’ll come back feeling more of a European citizen.

6. Altbier

No words needed. You will figure it out on your own!

Your Collegelife Dusseldorf Team

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About Us

Collegelife Dusseldorf organises trips and events to connect internationals in Dusseldorf. The events are especially popular among solo travellers - a perfect opportunity to meet new people!